Rawr~! First of all, Earth hour wasn't what I expected.
Well, I guess many people still don't know about it.
So I won't harp on it any longer.
Warning :Guys should probably just skip this whole paragraph :I know I have the worst worst worst pms ever~!
If pms is already this torturous, I can't imagine the feeling of pregnancy.
I swear, if I have to give birth for my husband-to-be,
I will totally extort lotsa things in return~
Don't blame me, I got this idea from "Marley and me",
although, my future husband better be spoiling me
without me demanding for attention. Heeeheeeee.
Ohk, I can't stand myself sounding so spoilt~~~~
Moving on~ keke.Speaking of
"Marley and me", I wanna read the book~
Anybody have one to spare? (:
it's a really touching movie, although Marley was a little too naughty.
But after watching, I felt like keeping a puppy ):
Although I don't think I'm ready for the commitment yet.
So I guess, I'll have to wait till I'm a bit older.
Since school's starting soon for me, I won't have the time to look after a puppy.
Maybe, I'll just volunteer at
Mutts&Mittens for the time being.
Speaking of which, I heard pet snakes are illegal in Singapore
(?)*sits on the floor and starts crying* I want a pet snake!!!!!
*stamps foot*Well, I think they're allowed in Hong Kong~
since I read that there's a pet shop in Hong Kong that sells snakes.
Guess I'll have to move to Hong Kong if I want to keep a snake?
Or maybe, I'll go to Korea, or America~~~
*taps chin & thinks*Of course, I don't want my pet to be a cobra or a viper etc.
I've decided that for my first pet snake, I'll have corn snakes~
These are my choices:
They're all so pretty ~ :D :D :D
Amelamistic Bloodred corn snake :*Note the bloodred* *teehee*
Blizzard corn snake :*So white, so pure*
Butter Motley corn snake :*Such a nice golden-ish colour*
Candy Cane corn snake :*nice and pretty pattern, not to mention a cute name*
Creamsicle corn snake :*exquisite pattern~ nice name too!*
Ghost stripe corn snake :*hehheh, such a pretty snake!*
Lavender corn snake :*pretttyyyyy* *swoons*
It's so difficult to make up my mind since they're all so pretty~~~
*gushes and croons all over them*I think Lavender corn snakes are really pretty~~~~
I read that when they're adult, they'll have a purple-ish tint and ruby eyes!
But this is the only picture where I see such a nice lavender-ish corn snake~ ):
The others are pretty but not so purple-ish~
Oh wells, I'll make the decision when I'm older, and have the money to buy a snake~
And after I get my corn snake, I'll introduce it to Sharon~
and hear her gush over how cute my little pet is :b
I can be so random at times. How on earth did I start talking about snakes? :o
Oh, whatevs, random-ness just rocks my socks~