Gary TWJ has changed his name!
His name is: Squarebox~ :D:D:D
Full name's Squarebox Spongepants.
I call him Squishy now :D *he's going to kill me*
He even has an email:
Hohos. I forced him to use it.
Since, well, his old email's name is just so boring~
And Squarebox lives in a bikini on pineapple top :D
Heehee. That was kinda random as usual ._.
So, today was maths~ It was okay, I guess.
Though I'm not sure how well I did :|
I can't wait for Olevels to be over in less than 3 weeks' time~
And then I can go out every single day.
Though, I'll probably go job hunting first or someth.
'cause there's the economic problem now.
And I don't wna ask my parents for money just so I can go out play.
So, finding a job will be the first priority on my things-to-do list.
Thanks to the economic problem,
I'm not going back to Hong Kong this holidays.
And I was oh so looking forward to seeing my relatives again.
My adorable grandparents, my pretty aunts, handsome uncles,
cute little cousins, that grown up kinda-cute cousin, everybody ):
Oh yeah, and my 3rd uncle's fluffy lil puppy.
*sinks into depression*
*perks up again*
Oh my oh my oh my~
I found my ideal phone; Sidekick 3!
I always wanted a phone like that!
Shall post pictures of Sidekicks in th next post :D
I wanna move to America! ):
I wish Singapore had english exams like the US too~ :3
6 down, 6 more papers to go ♥
Replies to tag:
Twinneh - You are evil and mean and cruel, so there :P Heehee. You mean I'm th pure nice one eh? :D And, you're on! If we ever meet in th future, see who win in speed :DDD
AiAi - Really uh? Must be your com load things slow :P
Domo - Nope, nothing's wrong~ And my blogsong's fun?? ._.
Chrissy - Aiyah, you sure can pass eh~ You're like so freaking smart! *jealous* ):
Ronnie - What conditions? :D I'm perfectly normal and healthy, alrights~